Searching for a job is far from easy! It's hard on the ego. Because the response rate to emails and resumes is so low, and because it seems there are so few ideal jobs out there, job searchers are often feeling rejected and unappreciated. It is emotionally exhausting at times.
I have found the solution to this problem.
Step 1: Apply to job, knowing that you don't want to work there. Perhaps choose a job you know you're a bit over qualified for. The person hiring will then see your resume and notice you are highly qualified for the position. Without question, they will then send you an email asking for an interview.
Step 2: This is the easy part. Dress up for the interview. Put on your best suit and your sexiest shoes. Look the part and have fun with it! Bring a copy of your resume.
Step 3: Walk into the interview and own it. Be confident! There is absolutely nothing to lose. You don't even want the job anyway!
Step 4: Within a day or two, the company will undoubtedly call you back with an offer or a chance at a second interview. Your job is to REJECT IT! Politely decline the offer and graciously thank them for the opportunity (Below is an example of what one could say).
"Thank you so much for the offer, and I really appreciate your call. Unfortunately, I have had some other offers and I have decided to go in a different direction. But again, thank you for your time and I really enjoyed meeting you."
Even if you haven't had another offer, you'll feel great once you hang up that phone. You see, you didn't settle. There ARE people out there who would love to hire you. However, because you are so great and so talented, you aren't willing to work for just anyone. You are not willing to settle. You're worth it.
REJECTING an offer will be the first step to embracing this confident attitude. So go out and reject a job today.